Script Proofreading & Formatting
If you're looking for someone to double check your grammar and formatting, we've got you covered!
Are you an ESL screenwriter? No problem. We have many years' experience working outside of North America editing ESL writing, so we can help you get your writing to a level that looks like a native English writer. We'll help you with spell checking, grammar, sentence structure, and contextualized vocabulary. We'll also examine your use of adjectives, adverbs, and verbs to assess how visual your script is in cinematic terms. We've proofread & edited many scripts to fit into the limitations and/or expectations set forth by producers, studios, and directors. Our goal is to ensure your script meets the formatting & grammatical standards set out by the industry. |
Fees are as follows:
**All prices in U.S. Dollars (USD)** |
contact: [email protected]